Why does my poor blog look abandoned?

Most of you probably forgot all about this blog…not that I can blame you!!  I haven’t been here in a very long.  Like most people, I have a very unpredictable life.  I moved when I hadn’t planned on it and we had a death in the family…etc…etc…but to keep it on a really positive note, I’d like to  cut to the chase and make my big announcement:

I am a little under 16 weeks pregnant with twins!!

13 weeks pregnantThis picture was taken after my second ultrasound when I was 13 weeks pregnant.  I don’t go back until November 5th.  That is when I find out the sexes of the twins.  I really haven’t gotten any feelings either way which I find odd but it’s not something I can force. 

I am over the moon about it! I would have been blogging sooner, however, my morning sickness was horrendous.  It’s finally beginning to fade so I’ll have time to catch up on some more Wicca schools.  I found two more just last week.  I posted about one already.  The post is called “Magical Circle.”  I have one more to update you on and then I’ll probably move on to writing about something else for a bit. 

I have a weird hankering for “mommy blogs” and to research all the need-to-know parent tricks and skills.  I will probably be getting a lot of advice from Pagan parents so I’ll be sure to post my findings on that. 

Thanks to all the followers who didn’t delete me and surrender all hope!

Love and Light,


Magical Circle

I know that I’ve gone over an exhausting number of schools which offer Wicca or Pagan courses…but there are more!  I get very excited when I find new wells to extract knowledge from.  Last week I signed up for classes at http://www.mistresskalpanasrealm.com  In order to begin taking classes after you register, every student must complete a class called the “entrance exam” in order to earn their “hall pass.”  I am almost finished with the Entrance Exam and it has taken me some time to complete the lessons.  The teachers ask for answers with substance, not simply one word answers.

My assignments are graded just about every day and the teacher also leaves constructive feedback for me to mull over.  All of the classes are free, however, each student will need to purchase certain books or tools at some point depending upon which classes you decide to enroll in.  The Entrance Exam does not require you to purchase anything.  All work is done online or is emailed directly to the teacher.  Journals and longer writing assignments are recorded in a personal blog that the school creates for you.

So far, my experience here has been quite rewarding.  Some of the initial assignments seem like a waste of time until you realize that you need to learn the components of the site and the student forums in order to complete your assignments in future classes correctly.  I continue to be impressed with the level of attention my homework has received since the teachers don’t get paid to grade student papers.

I will continue to keep you updated once I actually complete the entrance exam and can begin to wander the “halls” and find my next classroom.

By aphynity